Photo by Wes Yeager

I’m Micah Yeager. I like learning and building things.

I’ve messed around with computers for longer than I can remember. Some of my earliest memories involve rummaging around in the guts of our old family desktop computer while brandishing a pair of wire cutters, because the wires made a very satisfying "snip" sound when I cut them. Little did I know, this little act of wanton destruction would spark a lifelong passion for technology.

Working in IT never really occurred to me until I was in college. I had a presentation project, and making yet another slideshow felt boring to me. So, I decided to create a website instead. Because why not, right? How hard could it be?

I quickly discovered that it was, in fact, more difficult than I had anticipated — I wanted it to be cool and modern, dammit! However, I persevered out of sheer stubbornness, and I came out with something that I was reasonably pleased with. Because of that project, I ended up with an internship to help redesign the college’s public website, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

I’ve learned a lot since that project, and I’ll never stop learning. I’m not satisfied with "good enough" — I’m always looking for ways to improve systems, processes, and myself. Maybe I won’t change the world, but I can certainly do my best to make it just a little bit better.