Solutions architect, developer, and cat enthusiast.

I’m Micah, a full-stack developer based in Maryland, United States (soon to be British Columbia, Canada). I enjoy tackling problems holistically, and I’m passionate about building software that is beautiful, functional, and accessible by all.

And holy shit do I love cats.

Our cat, Bean, sitting attentively on the couch
Our cat, Dorian, bird-watching at the window
Our cat, Sanya, sitting on a stack of books
Our cat, Pippin, laying lazily on the couch
Our cat, Bast, sitting on a sink

Intro to writing HTML emails for web developers

Writing and styling HTML emails has always been a pain. Here are some rules and resources on how to write emails that both look good and display consistently for all recipients.


  1. Company
    Innovative, Inc.
    Solutions Architect
  2. Company
    Life Pacific University - Virginia
    IT & Media Management
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